120 Lupin St
The street is empty, a neighborhood of middle class blocks, Lauren’s Mustang swings into the night layered cleanliness of repeated housing, repeated lawns, repeated frames, repeated night.
Her radio blaring, “caution machinegun fire detected in the area.” “caution machinegun fire use all caution.” Unfortunately Lauren was all alone, she took her gun out and started to sniff the darkness, the firing was coming from one of the houses in the four corners. Lauren displaying insignificant levels of fear, moved, searched each house with her eyes, when blaring from a machinegun caught her off guard to her left. She saw a tall fat brownish blond haired male, dressed in a mountaineering outfit, “approximately 6 feet 2 inches and approaching 300 pounds;” unleashing a fiery storm from a well worn machinegun. Lauren immediately dashed to the house in front of her, bullet-broke her way through the door, and stood by the living room, behind the couch, searching over it and through a wide living room window, when a round of bullets smashed her view; she saw the crazed male go behind the bushes, and out came someone from behind her, it was a moment of shock; it was her mother, calm dressed in white and blue muumuu. Lauren pushed her mother into the hallway, when more bullets rung through the door, and behind her crashed, what appeared to be the bruised flesh and blond haired remains of a bullet-scalping job.
Mother and daughter did not communicate, her mother did not seem frightened; Lauren was ushering her mother into safety when the mountain man came trouncing the place, and somehow Lauren saw herself falling behind the kitchen area, and her mother left stranded near the living room couch, Lauren sneaking a view over the counter, saw the back of the mountain man, but for some reason she didn’t shoot, she just watched as her mother became riddled with smoked bullets. The mountain man then, turned around and dragged a lead load off in her direction as if he were jerking off in front of the cop lady. Blaring sirens and red lights dashed through the walls, Lauren took her aim, as if there was time to think, her face cold, when suddenly her mother reappeared bloodless and calm, just to the right of the crazed man; it seemed like she thought about it, maybe she didn’t, but she fired, and fired until all the bullets were gone. The man was dead. Her mother was gone.
Lauren was not breathing heavily, her face was more pale than usual displaying more red on her thin red lips. A police officer rushing through the door, found Lauren erect, standing over the dead man’s body. Her mother nowhere to be seen. Lauren wasn’t moving much, the officer attempted to move her, she refused, there, her stark moment, Lauren reflecting the lights, her usual light colored pant suit, rumoring numbness.
After some time, she walked outside, the Officers left her alone, they knew she was in some kind of shock, but they did not know it was over her mother, Lauren however was not fixed on the dead man, she was voided of all thought, she was in a blank state of mind, all her neurons were painting the whole world white, so white that even people didn’t stand out, features didn’t protrude, the whole world was white.
Captain Ogle was called to the scene, so was Danny, but Danny wasn’t called in as coroner, he was called in to talk to Lauren. Captain Ogle concentrated on the crime scene while occasionally looking at the stark white image of Lauren against a dark night. Danny took his coat off and placed it over her, and walked her over to his car, and drove her a few blocks from 120 Lupin St, parked the car, and hugged her.
She would have cried if she could.
Danny didn’t say a word, he gave her an equally stale silence, he didn’t want to disrupt her monotone condition, he did everything to match it; instinctively his heart beat at the same pace as hers; his breathing lungs kept with hers, his skin temperature could not have been discerned from hers. Her head limped on his shoulder, the cold night resting on both.
Her radio blaring, “caution machinegun fire detected in the area.” “caution machinegun fire use all caution.” Unfortunately Lauren was all alone, she took her gun out and started to sniff the darkness, the firing was coming from one of the houses in the four corners. Lauren displaying insignificant levels of fear, moved, searched each house with her eyes, when blaring from a machinegun caught her off guard to her left. She saw a tall fat brownish blond haired male, dressed in a mountaineering outfit, “approximately 6 feet 2 inches and approaching 300 pounds;” unleashing a fiery storm from a well worn machinegun. Lauren immediately dashed to the house in front of her, bullet-broke her way through the door, and stood by the living room, behind the couch, searching over it and through a wide living room window, when a round of bullets smashed her view; she saw the crazed male go behind the bushes, and out came someone from behind her, it was a moment of shock; it was her mother, calm dressed in white and blue muumuu. Lauren pushed her mother into the hallway, when more bullets rung through the door, and behind her crashed, what appeared to be the bruised flesh and blond haired remains of a bullet-scalping job.
Mother and daughter did not communicate, her mother did not seem frightened; Lauren was ushering her mother into safety when the mountain man came trouncing the place, and somehow Lauren saw herself falling behind the kitchen area, and her mother left stranded near the living room couch, Lauren sneaking a view over the counter, saw the back of the mountain man, but for some reason she didn’t shoot, she just watched as her mother became riddled with smoked bullets. The mountain man then, turned around and dragged a lead load off in her direction as if he were jerking off in front of the cop lady. Blaring sirens and red lights dashed through the walls, Lauren took her aim, as if there was time to think, her face cold, when suddenly her mother reappeared bloodless and calm, just to the right of the crazed man; it seemed like she thought about it, maybe she didn’t, but she fired, and fired until all the bullets were gone. The man was dead. Her mother was gone.
Lauren was not breathing heavily, her face was more pale than usual displaying more red on her thin red lips. A police officer rushing through the door, found Lauren erect, standing over the dead man’s body. Her mother nowhere to be seen. Lauren wasn’t moving much, the officer attempted to move her, she refused, there, her stark moment, Lauren reflecting the lights, her usual light colored pant suit, rumoring numbness.
After some time, she walked outside, the Officers left her alone, they knew she was in some kind of shock, but they did not know it was over her mother, Lauren however was not fixed on the dead man, she was voided of all thought, she was in a blank state of mind, all her neurons were painting the whole world white, so white that even people didn’t stand out, features didn’t protrude, the whole world was white.
Captain Ogle was called to the scene, so was Danny, but Danny wasn’t called in as coroner, he was called in to talk to Lauren. Captain Ogle concentrated on the crime scene while occasionally looking at the stark white image of Lauren against a dark night. Danny took his coat off and placed it over her, and walked her over to his car, and drove her a few blocks from 120 Lupin St, parked the car, and hugged her.
She would have cried if she could.
Danny didn’t say a word, he gave her an equally stale silence, he didn’t want to disrupt her monotone condition, he did everything to match it; instinctively his heart beat at the same pace as hers; his breathing lungs kept with hers, his skin temperature could not have been discerned from hers. Her head limped on his shoulder, the cold night resting on both.